Resource for global academic partnerships


Global academic collaboration helps universities meet internationalisation agendas and build equitable and reciprocal partnerships. These resources - workshops, learning bites and resource list - were developed as part of the training programme by Eva Kagiri Kalanzi, Samia Chasi, Roseanna Avento and Hong Lin - and are now presented as a toolkit for use to support your collaboration efforts

Resource List

A resource list for Finnish institutions and their global partners aiming to engage in equitable academic partnerships

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Power dynamics and identity privilege

North-South partnerships in higher education are challenging due to imbalances of knowledge, resources and power. This learning bite guides you through a reflective process of power dynamics within the context of identity and privilege.

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Equity in international research partnerships

In this dialogue, Eva Kagiri-Kalanzi explore the makings of inequitable partnerships - what drives imbalances in these relationships, what systemic challenges make it difficult to navigate and steer equitability in knowledge production and how project partners can better address those challenges.

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Firechat: Understanding field work

This short video provides basic information on conducting fieldwork in a different culture. Set against the theoretical framework of E.B Tyler: Primitive Culture and Bronislaw Malinowski: Argonauts of the Western Pacific.

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