
October 3, 2019 — BRIDGES Asia Targeted Travel Grants for ENRICH matchmaking tour to China, 11-15 November 2019 - Extended DL to apply: 16 October!
FinCEAL Plus Asia has opened a Targeted Travel Grant Call to support the participation of 1-3 senior level experts from Finnish universities, universities of applied sciences or research institutions interested in attending the Matchmaking Tour to China (Chengdu and Shenzhen) organized by...

September 24, 2019 — Finnish higher education and research in the spotlight in Chile
FinCEAL Plus BRIDGES LAC Coordinator Kajsa Ekroos was invited to participate and give a key note speech at the ”New Challenges for the Internationalization of Higher Education” seminar organized by Universidad SEK in Santiago de Chile on 27th August, 2019.

August 5, 2019 — FinCEAL+ BRIDGES Asia Targeted Travel Grant Call for ENRICH in China Annual Funding Forum 2019, 2 October in Brussels, Belgium
FinCEAL Plus BRIDGES has opened a Targeted Travel Grant Call to support the participation of researchers from Finnish higher education or research institutions interested in attending ENRICH in China – Annual Funding Forum 2019 organized in Brussels, Belgium on 2nd October. Apply by 28th August.

June 25, 2019 — BRIDGES Delegation to the 1st European Research and Innovation Days!
The FinCEAL Plus BRIDGES project selects a delegation of 4 researchers from 4 Finnish HEIs to attend the inaugural European Research and Innovation Days in Brussels from 24 - 26 September 2019.

May 29, 2019 — FinCEAL+ BRIDGES delegation’s experiences from the UN Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals 2019
The United Nations has been organizing a special Forum dedicated to discussing the role of science, technology and innovation (STI) for the SDG’s since 2016. The fourth annual proceeding was held at the UN headquarters in New York City on 14-15 May 2019. This year, the crosscutting theme of the...

May 28, 2019 — UniPID and FinCEAL+ BRIDGES Team attended Spring Forum 2019 (KV-kevätpäivät) 16-17 May, Joensuu
The Spring Forum 2019 was organized for those working with international affairs in higher education institutions to offer up-to-date information on international educational cooperation between higher education institutions.

May 7, 2019 — FinCEAL Plus BRIDGES Delegation to European Development Days 2019 Selected!
FinCEAL Plus BRIDGES Funds a Delegation of 4 to European Development Days: 18 -19 June 2019, in Brussels Belgium.

March 26, 2019 — BRIDGES Delegation to the 4th UN STI Forum for the SDGs, 14-15 May, New York City, USA
The FinCEAL Plus BRIDGES Project will support a delegation of 3 senior researchers and experts to attend the 4th UN Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals, 14-15 May, New York City, USA.

March 26, 2019 — BRIDGES Targeted Travel Grant Call for EU Development Days 2019, 18-19 June in Brussels
FinCEAL Plus BRIDGES has opened a Targeted Travel Grant Call to support the participation of researchers from Finnish higher education or research institutions interested in attending the EU Development Days 2019, Europe’s leading forum on development, organized in Brussels, Belgium, on 18-19...