Globalisation and Corporate Responsibility

After the course students will be familiar with globalization and corporate (social) responsibility, as well as the Millennium and the Sustainable Development Goals (MDGs and SDGs) of UN. Students will understand their contents and the kind of possibilities and challenges they set for companies.

5 ECTS Credits — Studies start 18 March 2025 — University of Turku

Photo credits: Chuttersnap, 2018 on UnSplash
Photo credits: Chuttersnap, 2018 on UnSplash

Course dates

18 March 2025 – 30 June 2025

Registration period

1 January 2025 – 25 February 2025

Coordinating university

University of Turku


Ayu Pratiwi



Course level


Course Dates: 18.03. - 30.06.2025
Registration Dates: 01.01. - 25.02.2025
Coordinating University: University of Turku
Coordinators: Ayu Pratiwi ()
Credits: 5 ECTS

Course summary:

Corporate (social) responsibility is the main framework for companies to respond to global challenges and uneven development. In this course, much emphasis will be put on developing countries.

Learning outcomes:

After the course students will be able to:

  • Identify the fundamental principles, theories, and methods of corporate social responsibilities and their relation to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Recognize the different practices within companies' business models and operations and how they respond to sustainability-related challenges, risks, and opportunities.
  • Evaluate critically the role of business as a developmental agent and as a contributor (or potential opponent) to SDGs and examine its internal and external stakeholders’ engagement using case studies in the Global South.
  • Assess the impacts of CSR and reflect upon the outcomes in the business and society using contemporary tools such as technological innovations and cutting-edge business models in the Global South.

Learning methods:

The course is held virtually in English and consists of discussions in forums and written assignments. The students can work on the course at their preferred pace. The course will use selected reading materials and pre-recorded video lectures. All materials will be distributed via Moodle platform. Moodle is also used to facilitate an exchange of ideas and discussion. The instructors will provide guidance and instructions to students via Moodle, and if necessary, face-to-face online guidance is available. A mix of an open-ended problem set, an essay and a final report will be utilized.

Completion methods:

Grade 0-5. The course grade is given based on the final report on a scale 0-5. The literature and lecture assignments are not graded individually but they are obligatory.

Study material:

  • A collection of pre-recorded lectures and articles
  • Potter, R., Binns, T., Elliott, J., Nel, E., & Smith, D. (2018). Geographies of Development: An Introduction to Development Studies (4th ed.). Routledge.

Assessment criteria:

The course assessment comprises 3 individual literature assignments that are graded 0-5 as well as a lecture diary that is fail/pass.

The final grade is a weighted average of the assignment grades where the final essay weights x2. All assignments need to be of passing grades.

Maximum number of students:


Preliminary course timetable:

Additional information:

The course is recommended for those in their 2nd or 3rd year of study.

Virtual Studies Course Catalogue